Saturday, March 22, 2008

Recently I started reading JRR Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings (again). This has to be my favorite non-gospel related book. Ever. I enjoy this book on so many levels that reading it over and over again has become a habit of sorts. It's too bad that the majority of the stories written (for books or movies) are full of senseless fluff and lack anything of value or intelligence. What happened to writing stories that inspire the heart and open the mind? I guess it's literary re-runs for me.

Today is the day before Easter and we had a (Nolan) Family celebration. This is Katie being held by her cousin Becca. We had a full day of shopping, a walk on the Jordan River, and hanging out with family. The Little One seems to enjoy her cousins but is still to small to play with them or go Easter egg hunting. Mom grabbed her a few eggs but she mostly watched.